
Welcome to the Cottage.

The Tiny Canal Cottage is a resource for helping folks mindfully conceptualize, decorate and enjoy versatile + smaller home spaces. Founded by designer, consultant, stylist, creative director and author, Whitney Leigh Morris, this family-owned small business recently finished the construction of a new, compact cottage and greenhouse-office in the southeastern US, and are also restoring a little 1800s French farmhouse and its outbuildings with co-stewards. Morris’ focus is crafting flexible, sustainable, and more community-focused home spaces. Explore Whitney’s book, blog, and social channels for years of tips and tales from living and working in — and with — a smaller footprint.

Create the Look: Upcycled Spice Rack Wall

Create the Look: Upcycled Spice Rack Wall

Little adjustments within a home can save a surprising amount of space— like this secondhand spice rack, fixed up a bit, painted, and now living out its new life in the kitchen of our 900 sqft cottage. (When pressed for space, go vertical if it’s safe. The best, untapped storage options are often UP.)

By request, here’s the latest Create the Look… but I don’t want everything I publish to be shoppable. I don’t wan’t to earn income by constantly encouraging people to buy more, when I know that most of us can (and should, for environmental reasons,) live with less. What I do want is for folks to be comfortable, confident and content in their small homes or apartments. And I want to be a resource for reliable ideas that can help you spend less time searching for your stuff, and more time with the ones you love.

So when people ask where I got something that’s in our home, I usually point them to similar handmade and vintage designs. As such, for folks who inquired about this little cabinet: here are some secondhand items and independent online storefronts with handmade goods that can help you recreate this look in a sustainable way that suits YOUR needs and YOUR style.

Create the Look: A Woodland-Inspired Kids Space

Create the Look: A Woodland-Inspired Kids Space

Create the Look: Mini Mending Cabinet

Create the Look: Mini Mending Cabinet