
Welcome to the Cottage.

The Tiny Canal Cottage is a resource for helping folks mindfully conceptualize, decorate and enjoy versatile + smaller home spaces. Founded by designer, consultant, stylist, creative director and author, Whitney Leigh Morris, this family-owned small business recently finished the construction of a new, compact cottage and greenhouse-office in the southeastern US, and are also restoring a little 1800s French farmhouse and its outbuildings with co-stewards. Morris’ focus is crafting flexible, sustainable, and more community-focused home spaces. Explore Whitney’s book, blog, and social channels for years of tips and tales from living and working in — and with — a smaller footprint.

Decluttering & Remaining Clutter-Free for the Long Run (Updated)

Decluttering & Remaining Clutter-Free for the Long Run (Updated)

Have you ever gone through the process of decluttering and downsizing, only to find yourself slipping back into an overstuffed life a few months down the road? You’re not alone. Every day I receive questions about how to declutter and maintain the results.


First and foremost, I think it’s important to find a dedicated home for everything with which you part ways, as 80+% of donations end up in landfills, and there’s a bunch of privilege wrapped up in the concept of decluttering in the first place. 


Secondly, before you declutter, I’d recommend pledging to stop the influx of new, unnecessary goods after doing so. Otherwise the cycle repeats itself, which is no good for your space, wallet, the planet, and the disenfranchised populations who statistically live closer to landfills and toxic manufacturing and waste facilities. 


Finally, if an item no longer works for you and can be put to better use with someone else, then letting go is a gift for both parties! I’d suggest asking yourself what purpose(s) each piece serves if any, and then take it from there responsibly. 

With that, here are some easy tips for remaining clutter-free for the long run. 


Avoid Triggers
Identify your more reckless spending triggers, then take care to avoid them. For example, do you find yourself buying items off social media links or major retail sites when you’re bored, stressed or unable to sleep? Tuck the phone away and pick up a book, meet a friend, or take a walk instead. Do you buy junk at the airport during layovers? Bring your own snacks, bottles and entertainment with you, and don’t even step foot in the shops within the terminal.

Pause Before Purchasing
When online shopping, challenge yourself to wait at least 24 hours before checking out. Chances are you’ll realize that you don’t actually need all (or any) of the items in your cart. 

Get One, Give Two
If you do commit to acquiring a new item, try giving away two items in its place. Keep in mind that it’s important to find a dedicated home for everything with which you part ways, as 80+% of donations end up in landfills.

Reduce Opportunities for Impulse Purchases
Once you’ve swapped your common disposable goods (such as paper towels, cotton rounds, cleaning supplies, diapers, and tampons) for reusable options, you’ll have far less shopping to do. And with fewer trips to the store, you’ll have fewer opportunities to make impulse purchases.  

Decline Freebies
You don’t need to accept every free item and bit of SWAG dangled in front of you. Just walk away, or use the magic words: “No thank you.” If you still somehow end up with freebies of wellness products or clothing that can be of use to organizations in need, leave the goods sealed/unopened and donate them as soon as possible.

Donating Gifts
If someone gives you a gift you can’t use and/or don’t like, shake off the guilt and donate it immediately. It doesn’t do anyone any good for the thing to rot away in a box under your bed. Pay their generosity forward by regifting the item(s) to a fitting non-profit, local school, etc. 

Ask Qualifying Questions
Before you purchase a new object, ask yourself the following questions— you might be surprised by how few items actually clear these hurdles to earn a coveted place in your home:

  • Do I already own something that serves the same purpose as this new item?

  • Was this product produced ethically and with sustainability in mind?

  • Can this piece multitask? (Of course this question doesn’t apply to all goods, but it can apply to many. Multi-functional pieces will reduce the number of items you need in your home, saving you money and reducing your footprint.) 

  • Where will this item be stored when NOT in use? And do I have the space for it?

  • Lastly, if the piece(s) you’re considering pass all of the questions above, then ask yourself:  Is there a vintage or handmade option of this item that I can find locally instead? 


You can do it. For your sanity, for your wallet, for your home, for your busy schedule, and — above all — for the planet.

First/key photo from the cottage taken by Lucia Doynel.

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