Before + After: Enhancing Small Indoor & Outdoor Spaces with Mirrors
It’s no secret that mirrors are particularly powerful accents in small spaces. Not only do they make an area appear much bigger than it actually is, but they amplify light and create a feeling of depth while enhancing overall visual interest. Mirrors are such a “Small Space 101” topic that I hesitated to do this post, but the number of inquiries and comments I’ve received about our collection of indoor and outdoor mirrors inspired me to do a little before/after roundup from our home and from a client’s office to demonstrate the impact that mirrors can have on a small space.
Outdoor Shower Mirror (After + Before)
Above: AFTER - My father shaving at the outdoor shower mirror.
Above: BEFORE - The outdoor shower wall upon our move-in nearly 9 years ago.
Living Wall Mirror (After + Before)
(View the full below/after from the living wall installation here.)
Above: AFTER - The living wall with a circular garden mirror that reflects the sun as it rises over our pocket of LA.
Above: BEFORE - The living wall looking particularly static prior to the installation of the mirror.
Sofa Garden Mirrors (After + Before)
(View the full before/after of the garden sofa installation here.)
Above: AFTER - The outdoor sofa with three mirrors mounted to its back wall.
Above: BEFORE - The back garden prior to the creation of the custom sofa + mirror combo.
Nursery/Bedroom Mirrors (After + Before)
Above: AFTER - The only closet in the cottage, which we converted into a nursery. Our custom heater cover holds three mirrors to reflect the light from the build-in windows in our headboard on the opposite wall.
Above: BEFORE - The cottage closet and heater upon our move-in almost 9 years ago.
Multi-Purpose Room Mirror (After + Before)
Above: AFTER - We mounted this large mirror to the main room wall the first day we moved in. It helps to make our home feel far bigger than it is.
Above: BEFORE - One of the only images we have of the office / living room wall without the mirror, as installing it was one of the very first things we did upon moving in.
Client Makeover: Reception Area Mirror (After + Before)
(View the full before/after from the Bond Group offices here.)
Above: AFTER - I added the Rivera Mirror from Crofthouse to brighten up the reception corner in the lobby.
Above: BEFORE - The dark and flat reception corner of the Bond Group offices lobby.
Client Makeover: Office Kitchen Mirror (After + Before)
(View the full before/after from the Bond Group offices here.)
Above: AFTER - I added a large but simply framed mirror to brighten up this windowless office kitchen without cramping the small space.
Above: BEFORE - The small, windowless, industrial office kitchen.
If you’re searching for mirrors for your compact home, apartment, garden or office, don’t forget to explore second-hand shops and other vintage sources first before buying new!