
Welcome to the Cottage.

The Tiny Canal Cottage is a resource for helping folks mindfully conceptualize, decorate and enjoy versatile + smaller home spaces. Founded by designer, consultant, stylist, creative director and author, Whitney Leigh Morris, this family-owned small business recently finished the construction of a new, compact cottage and greenhouse-office in the southeastern US, and are also restoring a little 1800s French farmhouse and its outbuildings with co-stewards. Morris’ focus is crafting flexible, sustainable, and more community-focused home spaces. Explore Whitney’s book, blog, and social channels for years of tips and tales from living and working in — and with — a smaller footprint.

Then & Now: 7 Years in the Cottage!

Then & Now: 7 Years in the Cottage!

I can’t believe it, but this month marks our 7th year anniversary of living here in our little cottage. Given all that has changed since then, it seems like we’ve been here a lifetime. And yet it also somehow feels like just the other day that Adam and I biked over and saw the house for the first time. I still laugh when I think of that morning-- we almost considered ditching our appointment to view the space because I was worn out from visiting so many properties. (Also, Adam had a massive chip missing from his front tooth and looked completely ridiculous.)

Since then, we've started a small business, adopted a second dog, gotten married, and had a child... plus so, so much more in between those mile-markers. All while (happily) living tiny. 


I took a deep-dive into my photos from the past 7 years, and pulled some then-and-now shots, juxtaposed below. After looking back through thousands of images of our home, I can see so clearly how a thoughtful, efficient living space-- regardless of square footage-- can take so much time to create. (Years, in our case.) It was a joyful process to slowly outfit our home and garden to suit our evolving needs and tastes. 

Thank you all so much for joining us on our small space living adventure over these many years!

Left: Our first home tour for Apartment Therapy years ago, when we were a family of 3. Photo by Monica Wang. Right: Out first portrait as a family of 5. Photo by Marisa Vitale.

Left: Our first home tour for Apartment Therapy years ago, when we were a family of 3. Photo by Monica Wang. Right: Out first portrait as a family of 5. Photo by Marisa Vitale.

Left: Adam on the porch years ago, before his (wonderful) grays. Last year we celebrated his 40th here at the Cottage. Right: Adam introducing our son West to his first dandelion.

Left: Adam on the porch years ago, before his (wonderful) grays. Last year we celebrated his 40th here at the Cottage. Right: Adam introducing our son West to his first dandelion.

Left: I took this photo of StanLee on his perch above the dishwasher (where he used to sit for hours while watching for squirrels) shortly after we moved in. At 11+ years old, he can STILL jump up there. Right: The same spot over the dishwasher, aft…

Left: I took this photo of StanLee on his perch above the dishwasher (where he used to sit for hours while watching for squirrels) shortly after we moved in. At 11+ years old, he can STILL jump up there. Right: The same spot over the dishwasher, after our mini-makeover of the kitchen in 2017.

Left: The front stoop in May 2011, weeks after we moved into the Cottage. Right: The stoop in May 2016, during our wedding.

Left: The front stoop in May 2011, weeks after we moved into the Cottage. Right: The stoop in May 2016, during our wedding.

Left: StanLee in the garden a few months after we moved in. Right: My babies in the same garden, 7 years later.

Left: StanLee in the garden a few months after we moved in. Right: My babies in the same garden, 7 years later.

Left: The day we brought West home from the hospital. Right: The pups and West in the same spot at Christmas.

Left: The day we brought West home from the hospital. Right: The pups and West in the same spot at Christmas.

April 2018. Photo by Marisa Vitale.

April 2018. Photo by Marisa Vitale.

Famiy portrait outtake, April 2018. Photo by Marisa Vitale.

Famiy portrait outtake, April 2018. Photo by Marisa Vitale.

Keeping It Simple

Keeping It Simple

Roundup: Managing Outgoing Items